Журнал судебной токсикологии и фармакологии

Абстрактный 3, Объем 2 (2014)

История болезни

Abrus precatorius poisoning leading to hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis� a rare experience

  • Dibbendhu Khanra, Arunansu Talukdar, Kaushik Basu and Suman Mitra

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Standardized Field Sobriety Test: False Positive Test Rate among Sober Subjects

  • Keith Yoshizuka, Paul J Perry, Greta Upton, Ingrid Lopes and Eric J Ip

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Hazards of Free Radicals in Various Aspects of Health � A Review

  • Gunvanti B Rathod, Pragnesh Parmar, Sangita Rathod and Ashish Parikh

История болезни

Emergency Issues of Clandestine Production of Drugs: The Case of �Sisa�- The Homemade Crystal Meth in Greece

  • Nikolaou P, Athanaselis S, Papoutsis I, Dona A, Spiliopoulou C and Stefanidou M

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A Guide for the Interpretation of Postmortem Methamphetamine Findings: A Series of Case Reports

  • Kelley Quigley, Kevin Shanks, George Behonick and Andrea Terrell1