Журнал нарушений сна: лечение и уход

Абстрактный 5, Объем 3 (2016)

Краткое сообщение

CPAP effect on Daytime Sleepiness in Patients with Mild-Moderate and Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea

  • Joao Guilherme B Alves, Jose Heriston de Morais Lima, Rosa Camila Gomes Paiva, Noemia Carla Dantas de Vasconcelos, Junio Alves de Lima and Pollyana Soares de Abreu Morais

исследовательская статья

Are We Over PAP-Tizing our Patients? The AASM 2012 Criteria for Hypopnea Scoring and Impact on OSA Prevalence

  • Bajaj N, Johnsen J , Ghosh K and Auerbach SH