Журнал нарушений сна: лечение и уход

Абстрактный 12, Объем 1 (2023)

Мнение Статья

The Study of Impulsive Sleep and Narcolepsy

  • Isamu Kornum

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The Internal Mechanisms of Sleep and Awakening

  • Oleg Stalder

Краткое сообщение

Electrical Activity of the Brain through Electroencephalography

  • Hela Metodiev


Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Night Terrors

  • Giancarlo Theodore

Обзорная статья

Sleep Apnea Events Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques

  • Mahmood Abed* and Turgay Ibrikci

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Impact of Snoring on Health

  • Xerfan Joyce

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The Effects of Technology on Sleep Deprivation

  • Fenton McEvoy


Benefits of Sleep for Successful Aging

  • Barot Shapiro