Журнал исследований фармацевтики и доставки лекарств

Абстрактный 6, Объем 6 (2017)

Короткая статья

A Validated RP-HPLC Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Six High-Boiling Residual Solvents in Drug Substances and Its Implementation in Apis

  • Gangrade MG, Deshpande NM, Gharat HP*, More SD, Shinde SS, Raval VK, Sapre JV and Alexander RT

исследовательская статья

Instantaneous Intraoral Dispersible Rice Paper Films (IDFs): A Novel Natural Drug Delivery System

  • Eliphaz Mukasa and Danckwerts PM


Recent Developments on Conquering Zika

  • Kasturi Pawar