Журнал туристических исследований и гостиничного бизнеса

Impact of Safety Issues and Hygiene Perceptions on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Four and Five Star Hotels in Aqaba, Jordan

Alananzeh OA

Impact of Safety Issues and Hygiene Perceptions on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Four and Five Star Hotels in Aqaba, Jordan

Nowadays, a large part of the Middle East is going through hard times and burning by the fire of conflicts, civil wars and political instability. The study intended to assess the tourist’s perceptions of safety issues (safety, security, privacy) and hygiene during their stay in Jordan’s hotels and its impact on their satisfaction. Data was collected from four and five stars hotels of Aqaba. The results indicated that the tourists asserted the importance of privacy in realizing their satisfaction, followed by the safety and security, while the third rank was taken by “hygiene”. Findings revealed that tourists are not satisfied regarding cleanliness of hotels’ bathrooms and the room furniture. The paper will be of value for researchers, stakeholders of hotel industry, and practitioners.