VEGETOS: Международный журнал исследований растений

Study on the Features of Diversity and Succession Rules of the Slope Protection Vegetation

Feng Di and Hu Yucun

Study on the Features of Diversity and Succession Rules of the Slope Protection Vegetation.

With the purpose of learning the evolutionarychanges artificial vegetation which was planted on the artificial slopes, based on the field plots survey, through diversity analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis, this study analyzes the diversity changes and succession rules of 36 protection slopes in Yan qing mountainous area from 2011 to 2013 to conclude that (1) most of the species diversity increase first and then decrease with the year growth. (2) Based on the correlation analysis of the richness index, Simpsondiversity index, Shannon-wiener diversity and evenness index, we find that the evenness index is the most significant factor to the species diversity. (3) Via the hierarchical cluster analysis, we get the changes of vegetation succession, the original vegetation stage → pioneer vegetation stage → perennial Gramineae stage → Artemisia stage.