VEGETOS: Международный журнал исследований растений

Impact of Input Resources on Rice Production and Profile Distribution of Available Nutrients in a Vertisol

R.K. Sahu, DL Kauraw and AK Rawat

A field experiment on integrated input resource management to the Rice-Chickpea cropping sequence was in progress from consecutive three years at the Experimental Station of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishva Vidhalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.). The present information is a part of that trial recorded during Kharif season of 2002-03 to evaluate the impact of integrated resource management on production of rice in Vertisols. There were three main treatments (Irrigation and NPKS application levels) i.e. I0 -= No irrigation with 50% NPKS ( 40 : 62 : 20 : 47 ), I1 = one irrigation with 75% NPKS ( 60 : 94 : 30 : 70 ) and I2 = Two irrigation with 100 % NPKS ( 80 : 125 : 40 : 94 ) of the recommended doses of NPKS based on soil test values. Each main treatment was further splitted in to nine sub treatments with various input resources (organics, inorganic and/or bio -inoculants) i.e. S1 consisted of 100% dose as per main treatment and through inorganic source only. Further, S2 & S3 consisted of 75% and 50% of the dose through inorganic source + FYM @ 5 t ha-1. Subsequently the bio inoculants (BGA & PSB) individually and both included in S4, S5 & S6. Other combinations S7, S8 & S9 included the application of Zn @10 kg ZnSO4 ha-1 and /or Mo @ 0.5 kg (NH4)2MoO4 ha-1. The results emphasized that irrespective of application levels, the positive effect of integration was apparent with increasing levels of integration and thus by integration of maximum input resources i.e. inorganic and organic fertilizers along with biofertilizers and micronutrients, could produce the highest rice grain yield as well as the highest available nutrients contents in all soil layers of the profile. Therefore, maximum nutrients use efficiencies and benefits could be obtained by integration.