VEGETOS: Международный журнал исследований растений

Evaluation of Genetic Variability, Genetic advance, Heritability and Character association for Yield and its Contributing traits in Papaya (Carica papaya L.)

Mahesh Kumar; Yogesh Prasad; Mukesh Kumar; Satya Prakash and Satendra Kumar

Effect of a Potent Cytokinin Thidiazuron (TDH) on the Regeneration Potential of Leaf and Petiole Explants of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L var. botrytis)

In order to investigate the effect of genetic variability, genetic advance, heritability in papaya and its character association responses to yield in papaya, a field experiment was carried out with seventeen genotypes and three replications during 2010 and 2011 at Horticultural Research Centre (HRC) of S V P University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut. The results indicated that for yield improvement, high range of plant height (120 to 185.33 cm), flower initiation (212.93 to 228.83 days), flowering (days) (230.83 to 242.27), fruits plant-1 (19.67 to 60.73), fruit weight (906.90 to 1558.77 g) and fruit yield plant-1 (24.87 to 70.33 kg) were important. Heritability values obtained for plant height at flowering (99.70%) followed by fruit weight (97.50%), fruit plant-1(96.40%), flower initiation (94.80%), fruit yield plant-1(93.50%) indicated that these characters were highly influenced by environmental fluctuations. High PCV, GCV and high genetic advance associated with high heritability. Fruit yield plant-1 had significant positive both association with plant height at flowering, petiole length, number of leaves at flowering, fruit length, fruit girth, central cavity, pulp thickness, TSS and number of fruits plant-1 both at genotypic and phenotypic level respectively.