Журнал исследований фармацевтики и доставки лекарств

Introduction of Bio Pharmaceutics in Novel Drug Delivery Sysyem


Biopharmaceutics is a major branch in pharmaceutical sciences which relates between the physicochemical properties of a drug in dosage form and the pharmacology, toxicology, or clinical response observed after its administration. Biopharmaceutics includes the stability of the drug, liberation of the API from dosage form, rate of extent of drug release and rate of conversion of drug to solution.
It is not sufficient to know what the drug does to the body; it is also crucial to know what the body does to the drug. As a result, biopharmaceutics has evolved into a broad-based discipline that encompasses fundamental principles from basic scientific and related disciplines, including chemistry, physiology, physics, statistics, engineering, mathematics, microbiology, enzymology, and cell biology.