Журнал науки о ядерной энергетике и технологиях производства электроэнергии

General Public Opinion on the Type and Source of Renewable Energy

Vikram Mor*, Vipin Kumar and Arminder Kaur

In regards of combating climate change as well as maintaining safety of the public, alternative sources is receiving more attention than ever before. Internal combustion engine greenhouse emissions have become a major societal problem. Despite the fact that the South Korean government is involved in developing different regulations to help rechargeable hybrid cars gain traction with in automobile industry, their efforts were in vain. Because forms of energy are so closely linked to personal minds, it's critical to determine the public's willingness to tolerate alterations with in electricity sector. As a result, the goal of this research is to examine differences in preferences regarding impact on energy resource shares. This research utilized a mixed log it model to estimate preference, which reflects the reference point by taking into account the respective proportions of sources of energy as well as the percentage of characteristics. Furthermore, this research utilized a Bayesian Hierarchical logistic regression analysis to see whether public factors influence preferences for electrical service features. The findings indicate that the Korean public has a high level of acceptance for policies that expand renewable sources of energy. And according to findings, the respondent's degree of teaching had a noteworthy impact on their desire to expand renewable energy sources.