Журнал травматических стрессовых расстройств и лечения

A Pilot Evaluation of a 2 Hour Intervention Breathing Method in Multiply Traumatized Individuals

Harald Walach, Patrick Palucki and Michael A. Persinger

Objective: Many trauma sufferers seek out alternative treatments. We report the results of a pilot observational outcome study of a 2-hour intensive breathing and awareness intervention in eleven multiply traumatized individuals, 9 of whom completed the intervention and the 30 day follow-up questionnaire.

Methodology: Observational outcome evaluation using a mixedmethods approach: Outcome was documented by applying the Profile of Moods State Questionnaire and a qualitative questionnaire.

Results: Effect size for POMS-Total score from pre-measurement to follow-up was high d=1.4, and was even higher for some subscales, such as “tense” (d=2.7) or “negative mood” (d=2.0). Only the subscale “vigour” did not show an effect. Qualitative questionnaire data after about one month supported the quantitative data: all nine participants reported good effects, some even dramatic improvements.

Conclusion: This small pilot study documents beneficial effects of this breathing method which should be studied more formally in a randomized study.

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