Журнал ветеринарных наук и медицинской диагностики

Абстрактный 5, Объем 1 (2016)

исследовательская статья

Systemic Amyloid A Amyloidosis in a Dog with Sub-acute Time Course after Anesthesia

  • Miyake A, Tsukawaki T, Matsuda Y, Kishimoto M, Murakami T and Suzuki K

исследовательская статья

A First Molecular Phylogeny of an Egyptian Equine Herpesvirus-4 Strain Derived from a Fetal Arabian horse

  • Al-Shammari ZS, Ahmed BM, Haroun M, Afify AF, Elsanousi AA and Shalaby MA

исследовательская статья

On the Classification of Lyssaviruses

  • Zhu S, Li H, Liang L, Huang W, Ding Y and Guo C

исследовательская статья

Detection of MDV Very Virulent Strain by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Analysis of its Meq Gene

  • Gong Z, Zhang K, Guo G, Wang L, Li L, Li J, Lin X, Yu J and Wang J