Журнал прикладной биоинформатики и вычислительной биологии

Techniques and Applications of Genomics and Proteomics

  Mansoor Shafi

   Genomics and proteomics are two cutting-edge fields of molecular biology that have revolutionized our understanding of life. Genomics focuses on the study of the complete set of genes within an organism, while proteomics investigates the entire complement of proteins expressed by those genes. This manuscript aims to provide an overview of the principles, techniques, and applications of genomics and proteomics, highlighting their significance in unraveling the complexities of biological systems. By elucidating the connections between genes and proteins, genomics and proteomics offer invaluable insights into health, disease, and the fundamental mechanisms underlying life. Genomics, the study of an organism's complete set of DNA, provides a comprehensive view of its genetic makeup