Журнал клинического питания и метаболизма

Methionine: The One Carbon Metabolic Cycle and its Relation to Pathogenesis

Hector B Crespo-Bujosa and Michael J Gonzalez

Methionine (Met) is a sulfur-containing amino acid that has a methyl group attached to its sulfur. It is the precursor of the sulfur-containing amino acids homocysteine (Hcy), cysteine and taurine. Met metabolism or one-carbon metabolic cycle requires folate, B6 and B12 in order to function adequately. Deficient nutritional intake of these vitamins affects this process paving the way for pathogenesis. A review of literature exposes how different conditions (neurological, physical and psychological/psychiatric) have as a common denominator of the energetic and metabolic problems. In addition it is shown that Metabolic Correction is a key factor in addressing these chronic conditions.