Журнал клинического питания и метаболизма

Influence of Black Tea Consumption

Lijing Ke

Saliva is first off interacted with meals or drink for the duration of ingestion. Alteration of salivary biochemistry through black tea intake is doubtful and seldom mentioned in literature. The modern-day paintings highlighted the on the spot and behind schedule impact of black tea consuming at the alternate of numerous salivary parameters, such as waft charge, ?-amylase and catalase activity, malondialdehyde, thiol, nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and overall protein content. Twelve healthful topics elderly among 22 and 31 years vintage have been recruited withinside the study. The saliva changed into gathered before, after and 30 min after black tea intake. The black tea consumption typically prompted an growth of salivary waft charge, overall protein content, catalase, H2O2 and MDA however discount in thiol and nitric oxide for majority of the topics