Журнал диагностических методов и биомедицинского анализа

Availability of Different Strengths of Anti Malarial Preparations in Pakistan: Implication for Patient Safety

Malik M, Hassali MA, Shafie AA, Hussain A and Aljadhey H

Availability of Different Strengths of Anti Malarial Preparations in Pakistan: Implication for Patient Safety

Pakistan is among the moderately malaria endemic countries and malaria is the second most commonly reported diseases from public sector healthcare facilities. Few of the key factors in controlling malaria and reducing related morbidity and mortality rate includes early diagnosis, appropriate treatment and good quality patient care services. But, polypharmacy, peer influence, patient demands, lack of appropriate diagnosis and treatment based on clinical impression and self-medication are few of the most important factors leading towards irrational drug use in Pakistan. Malaria is usually diagnosed through clinical impression, and most presenting fever cases are suspected and treated for malaria without any evidence of malaria parasitaemia in Pakistan.