Журнал прикладной биоинформатики и вычислительной биологии

Assessment And Application of EEG: A Literature Review

John Reaves1, Timothy Flavin1, Bhaskar Mitra2, Mahantesh K3 and Vidhyashree Nagaraju1*

Advancements in neuroscience have enabled the collection and assessment of neurological data to assist in the detection and treatment of several medical conditions as well as the operation and control of devices through brain-computer interface. Existing studies rely heavily on data such as elec- troencephalography (EEG) because of its ease of data collection and assessment, high temporal resolution, low cost, ease of use, and high computational accuracy compared to other neurological and physiological data such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and heart rate.

This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent liter- ature on EEG data assessment and applications  in  computer and neuroscience research. Specifically, the paper reviews articles recently published in high impact venues including IEEE to provide a brief insight into ongoing  work  in  this  research  area. The survey is intended to provide a quick summary for researchers, graduate students, and any interested individuals seeking to advance research on this topic. It should also be beneficial to neuroscientists and professionals wishing to obtain a quick overview of previous work. In addition to summarizing key methodologies on data collection, preprocessing, and algorithms, we identify open data sets, software, and developing trends that would benefit from continued exploration.