Журнал ветеринарных наук и медицинской диагностики

Абстрактный 12, Объем 1 (2023)


Essential Nutrients for Animal Health and Development

  • Richard Laven*

Мнение Статья

Innovative Technology Implementation in Animal Husbandry

  • Dirk Pfeiffer*

История болезни

Metastatic Pancreatic Acinar Cell Carcinoma in a Dalmatian: Clinical, Pathologic and Immnohistochemical Aspects

  • Thaynai Oliveira Da Silva*, Isabeli Joaquim Contel, Fernanda Zuliani, Noeme Sousa Rocha, Renee Laufer Amorim and Alessandre Hataka

Мнение Статья

Importance and Uses of Genetically Modified Animals

  • Noeme Sousa


Etiology, Medication and Prevention of Avian Influenza

  • Yutong Zhu*


Technology Implementation for Fertility Control in Wild Animals

  • Temesgen Getahun*

Мнение Статья

Parasitic Infections in Animals and its Prevention Methods

  • Amal Ahmed