Журнал морской биологии и океанографии

Абстрактный 9, Объем 1 (2020)

исследовательская статья

The Specific Effects on Vision and Body Development of Turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Larvae Caused by Different Light Spectra

  • Ming Ming Hana, Xian Lia, Le Le Wu, Shi Hong Xu, Yan Feng Wang and Jun Li*

исследовательская статья

The Potential Impact of the Erroneous Categorization of Shark Bites on Incident Modeling

  • R Amin, Erich K Ritter,and Megan W Richardson

исследовательская статья

Soft Bottom Macrobenthic Communities in Sandy Enclaves from the North Cotentin Peninsula (Central English Channel)

  • Salomé Andres, Jean-Philippe Pezy, Marine Martinez, Alexandrine Baffreau, Noémie Baux, Yann Méar and Jean- Claude Dauvin*