Андрология и гинекология: текущие исследования

The Diagnostic Value of a Routine Genito-Urinary Ultrasound Examination for Men Attending an Infertility Clinic

Anne M Jequier, Nevile Phillips and John L Yovich

The Diagnostic Value of a Routine Genito-Urinary Ultrasound Examination for Men Attending an Infertility Clinic

All too frequently, male infertility is defined solely in relation to a semen analysis. All too commonly, the male partner does not have a history taken and scant attention is given to identifying the underlying cause of that infertility. It is now also realized that many of the changes seen in a semen analysis are entirely non-specific. It has even been suggested that a semen analysis may one day become obsolete as a diagnostic test. In an attempt to improve the diagnostic basis of treatment among infertile men, it became a group decision at PIVET Medical Centre that all men attending the infertility clinic be offered a genito-urinary ultrasound procedure in addition to clinical examination and semen analysis.

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