Андрология и гинекология: текущие исследования

Role of Gynecologist in Hysterosalpingography: An Easy Test for Evaluation for Evaluation of Tubal Factor in Infertile Woman, Study in a Private Diagnostic Centre

Mala Banik

Background: Tubal factor is responsible for 25-40% of an infertile woman. There are three main modalities to detect tubal patency are Hysterosalpingography (HSG), SIS (Saline Infusion Sonography) and Laparoscopic Chromopertubation (Diagnostic Laparoscopy dye Test). Hysterosalpingography is a relatively noninvasive, easy procedure with rare complications.

Objective: To assess the tubal factors among infertile women by HSG. Age of the infertile women, type of infertility, duration of infertility, and history of abortion or MR are also analyzed.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was carried out in a private diagnostic center, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period of August 2016 to October 2018. 64 infertile women of reproductive age (21-40 years) were in the study for HSG to detect tubal factor.

Results: 58% of patients had secondary infertility. Majority of the subjects of both primary and secondary infertility (69%) were in the 21-40 years age group. 62.5% of patients had prolonged duration of infertility more than (4-7 years). 47% of patients of secondary subfertility had a history of abortion or MR. On HSG unicornuate uterus with one sided patent tube was found in 3% cases and the unilateral and bilateral tubal block was present in 32% and 22% cases respectively.

Conclusion: Hysterosalpingography remains the front-line imaging modality in the investigation of infertility. It is an accurate means of assessing the uterine cavity and tubal patency. It is an easy test and patient compliance is very good when the Gynaecologist introduces dye through the cervical catheter. In addition the Gynaecologist is very much familiar with vaginal operations and has immense knowledge of female anatomy so the pitfalls and misinterpretation can be avoided.