Журнал клинической и экспериментальной онкологии

REACTIONS - A Memorable Patient

Vittal S R Rao, S Sugunendran, and Kevin Wedgwood

“REACTIONS” - A Memorable Patient

All of us at some point in our careers get enlightened by our patients regarding even the subtle aspects of the practice of clinical medicine. In one of our routine hectic outpatients, we had this routine referral regarding a lady in her mid fifties with carcinoid syndrome. As the lady was being ushered into the examination bays, I frantically tried to recap the classical symptoms associated with the condition so that I can touch base with the patient before deciding about further management. Mustering what I could from my memory, I went to greet my patient and initiate the consultation. Before I could proceed to elicit the symptoms which I could recollect, the pleasant lady thrust into my hands a neatly typed paper aptly titled ‘Re-actions’ to highlight her symptoms.