Международный журнал сердечно-сосудистых исследований

Pharmacists? Perceptions about Their Role in Covid Prevention in Cyprus

Aliki Peletidi

Statement of the Problem: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main killer, associated with 31% of all deaths in 2015 worldwide. In Cyprus, the mortality caused by CVD reached 38% in the same year. Specifically, in women CVD caused 52% of deaths and in men 55.4%. Pharmacists are one of the most accessible healthcare professionals (HCPs) and the first port of call for the general public. Therefore, pharmacists can have a key position in the prevention of CVD. Interestingly, another reason why pharmacists and most specifically Cypriot pharmacists could play a vital role in CVD prevention is the fact that there are 55.59% pharmacies per 100.000 inhabitants. The aforementioned classifies Cyprus as the second country among Europe which has this amount of pharmacies based on the PGEU report 2015. Our study aimed to explore the existing and the possible future role of Cypriots pharmacists in CVD prevention but also to identify any barriers that pharmacists may have as well as to detect their needs for their future role and their preferences of delivering public health services.