Анальгезия и реанимация: текущие исследования

Patient-Centered Care - How to Convert Your Practice into a Patient-Centered Care Facility?

Inka Nisinbaum

Patient-centered care, as demonstrated in research, has transitioned throughout the years. Was it okay during the late 18th century to follow a paternalistic approach, simply tell your patient what to do, as you would tell a child, did the emerge of psychology paved the road towards a more horizontal, a more patient-centered approach. Sigmund Freud reintroduced the patient as an active participant, and part of the medical consultation. He is the reason why there are patients sitting in your office today, and try to argue. Argue about treatment plans, the necessity of colonoscopies, and why is there suddenly a blue pill in addition to the white one that has been sufficient for years? Emerging psychology of the late 19th century ultimately led to the creation of what we know today as: patientcentered care.