Журнал нейробиологии и клинических исследований

Narrow Band EEG Descriptive Parameters during Visual Habituation and Visual-Motor Association in Young Adults

Brust-Carmona H, Sanchez-Quezada A, Flores-Avalos B, Alducin-Castillo J and Yanez-Suarez O

Oscillations, action and postsynaptic potentials in glial-neuronal ensembles integrate the spectral power of EEG and are proposed to be the building blocks of cognitive processes in attuned networks. Hence, we aimed at describing the EEG default mode and its modifications related to habituation and visual-motor association to identify possible biomarkers. The EEG was recorded at rest with closed eyes before and during repeated photo stimulations (RPh) and before (Pre) and during association of RPh with switch pressing (VM-Asso) in 64 healthy adults. The EEG was analyzed using UAM/ INR software, which removes artifacts, identifies the corresponding signals, selects 20 samples from each condition (2-s), applies Welch’s periodogram to calculate the absolute power (AP) of ?, θ, α and β, before and during procedures, computes the AP averages (AAPs), and emits the data to a spreadsheet. Differences in each condition were evaluated using nonparametric tests. Cortical distribution of the AAPs per frequency during either Pre and RPh or VM-Asso was studied using a linear regression model. Delta AAP increased (synchronization or inactivation, I) during habituation and decreased (desynchronization or activation, A) during association. θ decreased (A) with the first stimulation and increased (I) with the subsequent stimulations (slope A/I) with greater synchronization (inactivation) during habituation. α presented A/I in both procedures with prolonged activation during association. β’s AAP increased with RPh and VM-Asso. The spectral power (SP) and its topography are descriptive parameters of habituation and visual-motor association, indicating the predominance of inhibitory neurons in habituation and facilitatory ones in visual-motor response.