Международный журнал сердечно-сосудистых исследований

First Reported Case of an Adult with Dengue Fever and Asystole

Andrew Kei-Yan Ng, Kelvin Kai-Wang To and Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung

First Reported Case of an Adult with Dengue Fever and Asystole

A 55 year-old man was admitted to the Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong in 2013 for acute onset of seizure and bradycardia. He was a visitor from the Netherlands with a history of wellcontrolled asthma. He first travelled to Hong Kong then Bangkok and Sanmui in Thailand 2 weeks prior to admission. During his stay in Sanmui he was stung by a jellyfish, and noted swelling over all limbs and generalised erythematous rash. He also had some mosquito bites. While he was still in Thailand, he developed high fever (up to 39°C), chills & rigors 5 days before admission. It was associated with loose stools, nausea without vomiting.