Журнал вирусологии и противовирусных исследований

Estimation of the Role of Apolipoprotein E Genotypes in Patient Infected with Hepatitis C Virus and Treatment with Sovaldi Drug

El-Adly AM, Rashed LA, Yehia HM, Wardany AA, Shikhoun MH and Abdul-Raouf UM

Background: Some single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in lipid organizers such as apolipoproteins and cell surface molecules for hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry into hepatocytes are related to HCV infection. Silencing apoE expression resulted in marked inhibition of infectious particle production without affecting. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the effect of apoE genotype on the response to HCV treatment with sovaldi drug at Sohag governorate, Egypt. Method: Randomly, we selected 285 patients infected with hepatitis C virus from males and females with different age groups. All patients selected from Sohag governorate and treated with sovaldi drug for knowledge of the responder and non-responder for treatment by using RT-PCR technology. Results: Our results showed that out of 285 patients were infected with hepatitis C virus and treated with sovaldi drug, 258/285 (90.5%) patients were responded to treatment, and 27/285 (9.5%) patients non-responded to treatment. Out 285 patients were infected with hepatitis C virus and treated with sovaldi drug, we selected 50 patients (25 responded to sovaldi treatment and 25 non-responded to treatment) for other investigation. All patients aged between 30 to 55 years, where 13 (26%) cases of females and 37 (74%) cases of males. Our investigation showed that, in the case of respond to the treatment of Sovaldi drug, there are three genotypes of apoE ε3/ε2, ε3/ε3and ε3/ε4, which are 8 (32%), 2 (8%) and 15 (60%) respectively. In the case of non-response, there are 3 (12%) cases with ε3/ε2, 14 (56%) cases with ε3/ε3 and 8 (32%) cases with ε3/ ε4. The concentration apoE increases in the case of infection with HCV and when the non-respond to therapy, while decreased when the respond to therapy. Conclusion: This study shows the role of apolipoprotein E polymorphism on the outcome of the HCV infection after treatment with sovaldi drug.