Журнал клинической и экспериментальной онкологии

Article Review on Anthracyclines and Anthracycline-induced Cardiotoxicity

Navin Mathiyalagan*

Cancer is rapidly growing to be one of the leading causes of death globally. As of 2018, there were more than 17 million new cancer cases, with a half fold death toll accounting for 9.5 million lives worldwide. Ideally, the statistics highlight an excepted projection in the global burden, leading to 27.5 million new cancer cases [1]. Despite the adversity of these statistics, recent advancement in the diagnosis and screening of malignant cancerous tumours has significantly lowered cancer
mortalities, leading to a 50% and 75% survival rate among adults and children, respectively. However, this success has led to the recognition of other cancer-treatment related toxicities and a similar need for the identification of early prevention and mitigation approaches.