Отчеты по медицинской микробиологии

Абстрактный 6, Объем 3 (2023)


The Importance of Genetic Information in Microbes

  • Kayla Platt*

Мнение Статья

Diagnostics on Viral Infections: An Overview of Virology

  • Roderick P Neumann*


Microbial Cultures for Scientific Research

  •  Mitchell Fennell*

Мнение Статья

Intestinal Parasitosis: A Silent Threat to Global Health

  • Schwebke Jandu*

История болезни

Mycobacterial Spindle Cell Pseudotumor Presenting as Peritoneal Masses in a Suspected Case of Human Immunodeficiency Virus

  • Adeel Zafar*, Nausheen Yaqoob, Hania Naveed, Rabeea Shah and Saba Jamal

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