Журнал генитальной системы и расстройств

Абстрактный 4, Объем 4 (2015)

История болезни

Clinical Manifestation, Diagnosis and Histology of Ovarian Luteoma: Case Report of Female Virilisation and Review of the Literature

  • Silvia Grau Piera, Aguilo SO, Novell GM, Garcia-Grau E, Costa CL, Lopez MA and Canet EY

Краткое сообщение

Cervical Cancer Screening: The Challenges of Tracking and Follow-up

  • Joseph N, Hinchcliff E and Goodman A

Краткое сообщение

Global Health: Role of HPV Testing in Resource Poor Environment

  • Goodman A, Joseph N, Bradford LS and Dey BR