Клеточная биология: исследования и терапия

Абстрактный 6, Объем 2 (2017)

исследовательская статья

Immunohistochemical Markers of Angiogenesis and Apoptosis in Chorionic Villi during Early Pregnancy Miscarriage

  • Igor Zastavnyy, Antonina Yashchenko, Igor Shponka and Iryna Tkach

исследовательская статья

Treatment Options for the Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Nataliia Sych, Mariya Klunnyk, Iryna Matiyashchuk, Mariya Demchuk, Olena Ivankova, Andriy Sinelnyk, Khrystyna Sorochynska and Marina Skalozub

исследовательская статья

New Insights into the Tissue Homeostasis between TIMP and MMP in Dupuytren’s Disease

  • Annika Borgschulze, Benita Sahlender, Tim Lögters, Joachim Windolf and Vera Grotheer