Журнал Пластическая хирургия и косметология

The use of non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid as a complement to Polydioxanone (PDO) Thread Lifts

João Vitor M. Pithon Napoli¹, Gabriela D Matos¹, Gabriel M Pithon Napoli² and Lavinia Pithon Napoli³

There are numerous non-surgical treatments aimed at facial rejuvenation. Among them, the PDO Thread Lift are one of the most used, while they promote the reduction of wrinkles and the improvement of skin appearance, due to PDO collagen production during its hydrolysis. The search for even better results encourages association with other procedures, such as hyaluronic acid. Despite being a natural component present in human tissue, aging decreases its concentration in the dermis, contributing to the formation of wrinkles and decreased elasticity of the skin. Hyaluronic acid has therefore been commonly used for aesthetic purposes, enjoying a high reputation for its excellent ability to “smooth out” wrinkles. As well as helping the skin’s natural hydration and collagen production, which results in a smoother, better hydrated and younger surface, contributing to better aging planning.

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