Журнал Пластическая хирургия и косметология

The use of non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid as a complement to Polydioxanone (PDO) Thread Lifts

João Vitor M. Pithon Napoli¹, Gabriela D Matos¹, Gabriel M Pithon Napoli² and Lavinia Pithon Napoli³

Percutaneous induction of collagen through needles (micro-needling) is a procedure that promotes micro-lesions or micro punctures in the skin in order to stimulate collagen production. It is also highly recommended to eliminate sagging skin as well as to combat stretch marks and acne scars. Thus, the drug delivery system is designed to facilitate entry and prolong the release time of the active in the body. This system aims to increase the plasma concentration of the active and control the temporal and spatial location of molecules in vivo, which tends to improve the overall characteristics of the skin. However, these aspects vary among patients according to their lifestyle habits.

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