Журнал клинической иммунологии и исследований

Targets Pathogens for Phagocytosis or Lysis

Khalid Al Aboud

The various categories of infective agent-associated immunostimulants typically occur on the pathogen surface in continuation patterns. they're recognized by many varieties of dedicated receptors within the host, that square measure together referred to as pattern recognition receptors. These receptors embrace soluble receptors within the blood (components of the complement system) and membrane-bound receptors on the surface of host cells (members of the Toll-like receptor family). The cell-surface receptors have 2 functions: they initiate the activity of the infective agent, and that they stimulate a program of organic phenomenon within the host cell for exciting innate immune responses. The soluble receptors additionally aid within the activity and, in some cases, the direct killing of the infective agent. several of those cleavages liberate a biologically active tiny amide fragment and a membrane-binding larger fragment. The binding of the big fragment to a cell wall, sometimes the surface of a infective agent, helps to hold out consequent reaction within the sequence. During this approach, complement activation is confined for the most part to the actual cell surface wherever it began.