Здоровье зубов: текущие исследования

Relationship between BMI and Periodontal Diseases

AlAzbah SA

Background: Periodontal disease is a slowly progressing condition that affects the supporting structures of a tooth results in tooth loss. Epidemiological studies estimate that over 4 million Americans over 45 years of age suffer from this disease. Obesity consider dangerous for stable conditions of people health. Recent studies have reported a relationship between obesity and periodontitis, but no study has performed among Saudi population.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the relatio ship of periodontal diseases with body mass index (BMI) among the patients. Subjects: Twenty (20) overweight /obese [obisty (BMI) ≥ 25.0 kg/ m2] participants and 20 healthy (BMI <25.0 kg/m2) cases as controls.

Methods: A prospective cross-sectional (case-control) study has been conducted by the Division of Periodontics, Department of Preventive Dental Science (PDS), College of Dentistry, KKU, (KSA). Patients attending the OPC of College of Dentistry, KKU, Abha, KSA was the source of data. Participant’s clinical periodontal
comprehensive examination. Duration: The duration of this project was 2 months while started.

Conclusion: This study was found significant relation between high body mass index (BMI) and periodontal diseases.