Клиническая онкология: отчеты о случаях заболевания

Pancreatic Cancer Causes and Epidemiology

Alice John

Our understanding of the biology of pancreatic cancer has significantly advanced, and improvements in patient management have also occurred. There is growing evidence that identifying non-invasive antecedents of this malignant disease can be accomplished by screening first-degree relatives of those with several family members who have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Despite a decline in the incidence and mortality of other prevalent malignancies, the number of fatalities from pancreatic tumors has been steadily increasing. Only approximately 4% of people with pancreatic cancer will survive 5 years following diagnosis, despite advancements in its detection and treatment. Because surgical excision is currently the only treatment option for malignant illness localized to the pancreas, survival is higher. Unfortunately, 80% to 85% of patients have advanced incurable disease when they first arrive. Additionally, the majority of chemotherapeutic drugs do not effectively treat pancreatic cancer. We must thus comprehend the basic processes that underlie the emergence and growth of pancreatic tumors. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, the most prevalent and lethal type of pancreatic cancer, will be covered in this seminar.