Отчеты по медицинской микробиологии

Osteomyelitis of the Middle Distal Phalanx Caused by Arcanobacterium haemolyticum in an Adolescent Nail Biter

Sarah Becker, Tornia Willie, Maria Novo, Tarik Zahouani*, Leo Sean, Evelyn Erickson and Yekaterina Sitnitskaya

Human bites are the third leading cause of bite injuries leading to emergency room visits. Osteomyelitis is a dreaded complication of soft tissue infection contiguous to osseous structures and numerous cases of osteomyelitis due to human bites have been reported. Arcanobacterium haemolyticum is a known cause of pharyngitis in adolescents. We report a case of a 12 year old male with nail biting behavior who presented with cellulitis/abscess of the 3rd digit with MRI showing osteomyelitis and wound culture positive for Arcanobacterium haemolyticum. MRI should be considered in the evaluation of deep soft tissue infection of the finger.

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