Модные технологии и текстильная инженерия

Influence of Stripping Solution�??s Concentration on the Seebeck Coefficient of Nickel-Coated Carbon Fibers

Hardianto A, Hertleer C, De Mey G and Van Langenhove L

Sensors and actuators made out of textile materials are the subjects of many research activities, especially because of the specific properties possessed by the textiles. In this context, yarns with a different Seebeck coefficient can be applied for making a textilebased thermopile. Preliminary experiments have shown that a pair
of nickel-coated carbon fibers (NiCF) and carbon fibers (CF) has a good Seebeck coefficient. In this paper, we study the influence of the concentration of the solution used to strip off the Ni from the NiCF. Experiments show that a mixture of 37% HCl and 10% H2O2 (1:1) result in the highest Seebeck coefficient.