Журнал генитальной системы и расстройств

Efficacy and Tolerance of a New Ointment in Non-Infectious Vulvitis, Anitis and Balanitis

Bohbot JM and Druckmann R

Background: Vulvitis and/or ano-vulvitis are a common cause of consultation. These complaints are due to a broad-spectrum of diseases: infections, dermatosis, post-menopausal atrophy, iatrogenic cause. Balanitis have similar etiologies. In most cases, specific treatments demonstrate a good efficacy. However, when long or repeated courses of treatment are required, local sideeffects can arise. We studied a new ointment to define its efficacy and tolerance in non-infectious vulvitis, anitis and balanitis.

Material and Methods: 60 women suffering from non-infectious vulvitis and/or anitis and 20 men with non-infectious balanitis or anitis were included. All patients had to apply the ointment twice a day for six months. Efficacy was evaluated by the evolution of a global clinical score (GCS) defined by the addition of scores (selfrated or after clinical examination) of clinical symptoms (pruritus, burning, pain, erythema, oedema and skin lesions). Patients were evaluated after 2, 4 and 6 months.

Results: 5 patients didn’t achieve the study (4 due to subjective non-sufficient results and one no-show). 59 patients (73.8%) had a reduction of the GCS higher than 75% including 25 (31.2%) who were totally free from symptoms at the end of the study. Tolerance was good to excellent.

Conclusion: This new ointment demonstrated its ability to reduce clinical symptoms linked to vulvitis, anitis and balanitis. It could be used either in first-line or as complementary or alternative medication to etiological medications.