Передовые биомедицинские исследования и инновации

Denvax presentation

Jamal Khan

Denvax is autologous dendritic cell therapy. Patient’s own CD14 cells (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) are used to modify them to dendritic cells (APC-antigen presenting cells). In this process, patients own cancer protein/mimicking non-autologous artificial resource (proprietary substance) is used to mature the monocytes to dendritic cells in the lab (ex-vivo technology). Six doses of one million DC are given at the gap of fifteen days to complete the phase of therapy. Response evaluation criteria vary as per stage, physical condition of patient and associated treatment plan patient is undergoing. Measurable outcome is benefit in progression free survival in patients achieving complete response, symptomatic improvement in pain, cachexia, debility, weight gain, Lessening of adverse effects of on-going chemotherapy if combined with chemotherapy protocol. Protocol of Denvax being given at third day post-chemotherapy provided the gap between two cycles of chemotherapy is 15-21 days. Denvax is devoid of any major adverse effects albeit symptoms of fever (10%) fever with chills and rigors (1%) can be observed at times, is self-limiting requiring only paracetamol and no hospitalization. Fever with chills and rigors can be controlled with paracetamol IV along with prednisolone IV. A small (0.1ml) intradermal test dose at the volar aspect of forearm can be given at the time of first infusion to check any adverse effects. Denvax is used for treating solid tumours including multiple myeloma and lymphoma. It is not used in diseases where CD14 cancer cells are present for example Leukaemia.