Здоровье зубов: текущие исследования

The Effect of Silver Oxide Nanoparticles on the Antibacterial Property and Shear Bond Strength of Dental Composite

Suraj Naslapur, Sameer Ahmad Malik, Laxmikanth SM and Ramachandra CS

Background: Although the mechanical properties of composite resin for orthodontic bonding have been improved substantially, their antibacterial properties are still limited. Various researchers have attempted to reduce plaque accumulation on composite adhesive material by incorporation of bactericidal agents. Silver has a significant antimicrobial activity and is effective against streptococci of the human oral cavity so it might be useful as an antibacterial agent incorporated into composite resin especially when applied in nanometer sizes. Thus the aim of this study is to evaluate if the addition of silver oxide nanoparticles at various proportions with orthodontic bonding resin as to influence their antibacterial properties and to evaluate if the addition of silver oxide nanoparticles at various proportions with orthodontic bonding resin will affect their shear bond strength.

Methodology: This study was done on one control group and two experimental groups. The control group consisted of Transbond XT and the two experimental group consisted of Transbond XT with 5% Silver oxide Nanoparticles and Transbond XT with 10% Silver oxide Nanoparticles respectively. Each group containing 10 specimens was subjected to antibacterial activity tested on Streptococcus mutans. For the antibacterial testing disk diffusion assay method was used. 30 Composite discs were made using molds each group containing 10 Composite discs. Similarly each group containing 10 specimens was subjected to shear bond strength testing using Instron universal testing machine For shear bond strength testing 30 tooth were bonding, 10 tooth in each group and were assessed for shear bond strength. The results were analyzed using one way ANOVA test and Pearson comparison.

Results: A statistically significant difference is found in the antibacterial activity and shear bond strength of the samples compared. The group containing Transbond XT with 10% Silver oxide Nanoparticles was found to have the highest antibacterial activity followed by group containing Transbond XT with 5% Silver oxide Nanoparticles and the least with the control group which contained only Transbond XT. The results for the shear bond strength showed that incorporation of silver oxide nanoparticles decreases the shear bond strength of composite resin. Incorporation of silver oxide nanoparticles containing 5% of silver reduces the bond strength to a level comparable to the control group. Further increasing the amount of silver nanoparticles to the 10% level demonstrates a decline in the shear bond strength.

Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study, it can be concluded that the addition of Silver oxide Nanoparticles to Transbond XT composite significantly inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans. Whereas increasing the amount of particles to 10% has an undesirable effect on shear bond strength when compared to the control group.