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Cognitive Emotional Regulation among Working and Non-Working Women

Aswathy Jonandharath Bharagavan, Seena .M .Mathai*

The study is about the cognitive emotional regulation among working and non-working women. The total number of sample is 90. We select 45 samples of working women and 45 samples of non-working women each and the age range is between 30-55. For the present study we use, purposive sampling method. The aim of the study is to find out the cognitive emotional regulation among working and non-working women. Cognitive emotional regulation scale used for the purpose. The objective of the study is to find out the cognitive emotional regulation among working and non-working women. The hypothesis of the study is that there will be a significant difference between working and non-working women in the dimensions of cognitive emotional regulation. The study shows that there is a significant difference in cognitive emotional regulation in working and non-working women. The working women show more positive and negative cognitive emotional regulation than nonworking women. There is a significant difference in cognitive emotional regulation among in working and non-working women. Working women showed more positive and negative cognitive emotional regulation to solve their problem. Working women scored high in