Здоровье зубов: текущие исследования

Bioactive Glasses in the Management of Dentine Hypersensitivity: A Review

Samueli A, Hill RG, and Gillam DG

Dentine Hypersensitivity is a common clinical condition, albeit of a low severity, and various in vitro and in vivo studies have been performed to test various approaches in managing the condition. This review investigates the use of bioactive glasses and their efficacy in treating Dentine Hypersensitivity. Significant progress was observed in the introduction of bioactive glasses in previous toothpaste formulations due to its ability to produce a Hydroxyapatite-like layer. Nevertheless, the results of the present review would suggest that a higher quality evidence was required to sufficiently support the use and effectiveness of bioactive glasses in treating Dentine Hypersensitivity. This observation is particularly pertinent in the absence of evidence relating to the effect of abrasivity of the glasses as well as the ability of strontium incorporation into the glasses. And the exact loading of the glass into dentifrice formulations. Overall, in vitro studies do appear to demonstrate that bioactive glass formulations may be an effective material to occlude dentine tubules which may in turn, reduce the fluid flow within the dentinal tubules and subsequently help manage Dentine Hypersensitivity.