Журнал инфекционных заболеваний и иммунной терапии

Antimicrobes 2017: Site attachment inhibition therapeutics - Simon Raymond - Melbourne University

Simon Raymond

The concern with reference to antimicrobial resistance and therefore the associated health threat has gained increasing attention and there has been difficulty in gaining traction globally. Given the lack of success by the two pathways established to date which have focused on: 1) application of infective agent and, 2) and immune system enhancement, the current researcher has conceptualized and developed the new, or third, mode of action pathway represented by site attachment inhibition (or, negation of cellular attachment by infective agents). The current author anticipates site connection restraint therapeutics to consolidate sedate (prescription) based treatments, substantial cell-based treatment (counting pre-birth and prior) joining new age vaccination techniques, and waveform (E.g. electromagnetic radiation) based treatment. With reference to viruses, support for the likely success of the new mode of action pathway: A) the known CCR5. 32 mutation achieves resistance (immunity) against HIV through negation of cellular attachment; B) other areas of drugs use analogous receptor antagonism (E.g. beta blocker therapy); C) advanced IT uses analogous site attachment inhibition to get rid of viruses.

With reference to bacteria, support for the likely success of the new mode of action pathway: A) advanced IT uses analogous site attachment inhibition to get rid of IT infections; B) glycoproteins are key proteins/receptors for attachment and, analogous to glycoprotein IIb/IIIa medications which inhibit (negate) platelet aggregation and thrombus formation, it seems reasonable to pursue antagonism or blockade of other glycoprotein receptors so as to stop bacterial attachment to human cells (note: this is often also relevant to viral infections); C) the human system coats infective agents in an effort to negate cellular attachment, therefore this mode of action represented by site attachment inhibition makes scientific sense. Consideration must be coordinated toward effectively recognizing the objective receptors and valuing the contrast among affiliation and causation.

Looking at mutations noticed within the human population and connecting this to the innate resistance they possess to certain infections is not enough as this might simply represent association as opposed to causation. Indeed, even the known CCR5. 32 transformations have not been totally affirmed as immediate/causative of the restraint of connection saw in investigate examinations. There is direct relevance to cancer, including breast cancer. Examples include: (A) the vaccine (immunization) against HPV used for prevention of cervical cancer; (B) tamoxifen used, through antagonism (or, blockade), of oestrogen in preventing further issues relating to breast cancer development (or, metastatic spread). Future research by the current author will likely include delineation of the application of quantum physics to medicine and surgery, starting with neurology and immunology, and in what circumstances this is appropriate. In addition, the merger between fields including immunology, neurology, IT is including three-dimensional printing of biology, and advanced physics (quantum physics) that appears likely to commence. Furthermore, detailed delineation of latest generation immunization methods to be developed supported site attachment inhibition.

Examples as a commencing point, regarding the application of quantum physics to medicine, may include: In neurology (and, ophthalmology) the updating of basic principles, for instance: (1) an understanding that the central beam theory may perhaps be better explained by way of scientific principles, in quantum physics, revolving around light acting in both wave and particle forms and, by application of the pinhole aperture, light may arguably as result hit the retina more predominantly in particle form, and subsequently during a more concentrated manner, thereby increasing visual acuity; (2) monocular abilities to gauge depth (depth perception) could be better explained through interaction of diffraction wave patterns (E.g. from points of different distance relationships), with accompanying neurological calculation of time and distance relationships based on such analysis, as opposed to historical explanations such as texture gradient, interposition, relative size etc. Curiously, fractional coherence interestingly, incomplete soundness interferometry (utilized in ophthalmology) uses such standards; (3) The investigation of order (for example, with irritation, injury, and contamination) on which happened first, taking under consideration relevant principles. Furthermore, detailed delineation of latest generation immunization methods to be developed supported site attachment inhibition. Moreover, the minuscule print in regard to the one of a kind new method of activity pathway (site connection hindrance) with the main past related research (or, minority explore) progressively cantered around aspects for example, covering outside substance recognizable proof and related strategies. Taking everything into account, this paper presents the new, or third, method of activity pathway in antimicrobial treatment spoke to by site connection hindrance therapeutics.

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