Журнал женского здоровья, проблем и ухода

A Hybrid Model for Analysis of Policy Making: US Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues in Developing Countries Act of 2013

Cecilia Mengo and Small Eusebius

A Hybrid Model for Analysis of Policy Making: US Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues in Developing Countries Act of 2013

This paper examines the United States Global and Reproductive Health Act of 2011 by identifying strengths, shortcomings and gaps in the policy and suggests key changes and recommendations. The framework of analysis of the proposed Act is based on its ability to address successful approaches that employ a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care based on evidence from the field and its focus on reproductive health rights and justice. In doing so, this paper utilizes a hybrid model to describe a practical framework that can be used to analyze the process of policy making and implementation. The hybrid model can be used for policy making analysis with any social phenomena globally context; here it is illustrated for use with global sexual and reproductive health problems in developing countries.