Международный журнал психического здоровья и психиатрии

A Helix of Anxıety: a qualıtatıve analysıs of the personal experıences of ındıvıduals wıth health Anxıety

Burcu Pinar Bulut

The mind-body problem dates to old times. Hypochondria is at the center of the discussions about the psyche-soma relationship since it appears that individuals have physical complaints in the absence of “real” illness. The current study aimed to explore how individuals having hypochondriac complaints interact with their bodies and their experiences regarding the believed illness or anxiety about the illness. Furthermore, the way they establish a relationship with others, especially with physicians, other healthcare professionals, and with whom they try to get assurance was tried to be understood. Interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) was used as a method since it offers a systematic approach to study the subjective experiences of individuals by making a very detailed examination of a case. The fourteen participants between 19-55 years old, who were living in Ankara, whose questionnaire scores indicated high health anxiety and who also stated that they have anxiety about their health were included in the study. The data of the study were collected via face to face semi-structured interviews. As a result of the analyses of these interviews, four superordinate themes emerged. ‘Causal attributions of health anxiety: loss at the core as an unsettled matter’, ‘Being drawn into the vortex of the symptom’, ‘An endless call to an expert for naming own experiences and eliminating uncertainty’, and ‘Every cloud has a silver lining: Benefits of being/feeling ill’ were the themes. These themes and the clinical implications of the findings were discussed in the light of the literature.

 Anxiety issues are the most pervasive mental issues. They influence different parts of life, including social, monetary, instructive, relationship, and personal satisfaction. Nervousness issues are the aftereffect of hereditary, ecological, familial, mental, and social components, Anxiety issues are influenced by social highlights; and manifestations and variety in predominance of tension issues could be changed across identities and societies.

Social qualities and convictions may put people in danger and they may likewise go about as a support against uneasiness issues. Culture assumes a significant job in mindfulness toward issue seriousness and its outcomes and human services looking through practices.

In accordance with social impacts on tension issues, an audit indicated that surprise and 10-minute crescendo measures in alarm issue, meaning of social uneasiness and social reference bunch in social nervousness issue, and the inclination given to mental manifestations of stress in summed up nervousness issue


are phenomenological articulations in various societies. Independence versus cooperation nature of nations might be identified with social tension in an unexpected way. Besides, khyâl top (wind assaults), taijin kyofusho, and ataques de nervios are three fundamental instances of culture-explicit articulations of uneasiness issues, which have been remembered for DSM-V as misery ideas.

An examination on nervousness and its social complexities in Iran indicated that people with Azeri nationality (one of a few Iranian identities) experiencing enthusiastic issues revealed 11 fundamental topics as shirking, brokenness, excitement, muddled character, redundancy, somatization, risky conduct, maladaptive insight, mindfulness, and positive and antagonistic emotionality, among which somatization had the most noteworthy recurrence. There is solid proof that people from non-Western societies essentially report more physical instead of mental indications.

In this examination, we utilized the term culture and identity reciprocally to allude to basic legacy, common convictions, and standards of a unit or a gathering of individuals. Iran is a nation with various social and ethnical foundation, and this might be liable for different mental indications. Besides, there is no sufficient data about social parts of nervousness in Iranian populace and on account of the unmistakable quality of social consequences for uneasiness indications and culture-quality communications, considering the social idea of tension issues in Iranian populace is of most extreme significance. Besides, the nervousness marvel is incredibly mind boggling and sitting back makes it much more unpredictable somehow or another, so the most ideal approach to explain a substance based wonder is to lead a subjective exploration.

The subjective technique can light up certain marvels which couldn't be connected through subjective strategies. In addition, it can likewise help comprehend alternate points of view and add to psychological well-being strategy. The fundamental goal of this exploration was to contemplate the social parts of tension, mostly social nervousness, in four ethnic gatherings (LOR, FARS, TURK, and KURD) in Iran, who were determined to have social uneasiness issue. In this way, speculation is conceivable. Explicit points in this exploration were: portraying tension experience among individuals experiencing uneasiness issues; assessing mindfulness and experience of nervousness among general individuals; deciding the reasons for apparent nervousness among members in the investigation; depicting the members' conclusions towards forecasts and results of nervousness, portraying the members' suppositions towards avoidance and treatment of tension issues.


Burcu P?nar Bulut has completed her PhD at the age of 30 years from Middle East Technical University and worked at Ankara Hac? Bayram Veli University, Department of Psychology. In her thesis, she carried out a study of individuals having high health anxiety symptoms. She was a Lacanian oriented psychologist: She has been attending meetings about Lacan's theory for four years. She has published 4 papers in reputed journals, and made nine presentations at national and international conferences. She has also been serving as an editorial board member of Ayna Clinical Psychology Journal. 


32nd International Conference on Mental and Behavioral Health, April 22-23, 2020

Abstract Citation:

Burcu P?nar Bulut, A Helix of Anx?ety: a qual?tat?ve analys?s of the personal exper?ences of ?nd?v?duals w?th health Anx?ety, Mental Health Congress 2020, 32nd International Conference on Mental and Behavioral Health, April 22-23, 2020